Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Good Night, Little Muslim–Bedtime “Thikr”

Reposted from TJ Blog


This is a little book I made to share with the kids at bedtime.  It contains athkaar for night time that were said by the Prophet (salla Allahu alayhi wa sallam) according to Hisnul Muslim.
I have two versions, a printable copy and one with audio. 
Good Night, Little Muslim (printable PDF)
Good Night, Little Muslim (audio PDF)
Includes a little night time routine checklist.
I printed it out on my printer 2 pages per page to make a small, book for easier handling

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Quraan Surah Name Titles for Juz Amma

Simple black and white outlined titles that can be colored in
and used in Quraan notebook.

Quraan Notebooking - Revealed in....badges

 We started Quraan notebooking this week and I am so excited because I think it is just the thing we needed to revive our Quraan studies and for review. So, I have different elements that I have created for it and when I can get my phone to Bluetooth to the laptop, in shaa Allah, I'll post pictures of what we've got so far.

But, I just totally love these little elements that I created.
These simple "badges" can be cut out and affixed to the notebook to show whether the surah is a Makki or Madinee surah.

Revealed in....notebooking badges

Saturday, March 17, 2012