Monday, October 25, 2010

Ideas for Structuring Your Quraan Period/Class

Here is a sample outline for what a Quraan class/period could look like:

1. Review

Tip: Always start each session with review or make sure that there is a review session daily.

Things to review: previous surahs (read/recite), vocabulary, tafsir concepts.

Tip:You may want to make up study question lists or flashcards for quick reviews.
This review can be done by the instructor or the students themselves depending upon student’s capacity and time.

2. For starting new surahs or new ayaat

(some activities may not be suitable for younger students)

Introduce the surah.

    1. Write surah title on board/paper.
    2. Discuss what the name means. If students are older, have them try to determine the root letters of the name. Have students look up the root letters and write out the meaning as used in the title.
    3. Survey the surah by completing Part I of the Surah Study Guide

Study the Surah

  1. Read the related tafsir for the new ayaat. Discuss.  Have student generate study questions from the material. Turn headings into questions and then make questions from statements in the reading. (Record on Study Questions template—). Student may also outline the reading. See Outline form.
  2. Read/recite the ayaat to students. Reread and have students repeat after you.
  3. Define new Arabic/English vocabulary from the first set of ayaat to memorize. Have student write the words down in notebook and/or have student copy the ayaat and write its corresponding English translation below each line…use Ayaat breakdown form, attached, or write in notebook.
  4. Discuss selected grammar rules in the ayaat.

Begin to Memorize the Surah

  1. Either work with student or have him/her listen to Quraan audio to pronounce the ayaat correctly.  Allow time for student to begin memorizing the ayaat; in addition, schedule other study times that student should work on memorization.. Assign a specific number of repetitions per session if student needs help staying on task.. Use hifz counter from TJ or have student use tally marks to keep track of repetitions.

Work with the Surah

  1. Assign homework/independent work.
  2. Use activity ideas from the Quraan Homework Activity list (below) to assign students work to learn/practice/reinforce vocabulary and concepts.
  3. Once student has memorized the target ayaat, repeat steps 5-10 for each new set of ayaat.

Quraan Homework/Independent Practice Activity List

Activities to assign for homework/independent practice

  1.  Write each new word (x number of times)
  2.  Write review words (x number of times)
  3.  Take dictation on vocabulary words
  4.  Write the current ayaat or surah
  5.  Answer comprehension questions based upon tafsir/discussion or complete writing assignment
  6.  Answer application questions (in writing/demonstration/orally) or complete writing assignment:(E.g. This ayaah (number) is about making wudhu, demonstrate the proper way to make wudhu.  When should/would you say when…….?)
  7.  Alphabetize Arabic/English vocabulary
  8.  Match English to Arabic words
  9. Given the English word, write the Arabic word
  10. Given a clue, write the correct Arabic word
  11. Unscramble a word or ayaat
  12. Supply the missing letters in words or missing word in ayaat
  13.  Make flashcards to review vocabulary and concepts

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